to the domain
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The sight to help all internet users
we analyze bing.com on this site to show what bing.com has and brings for internet users
we are all 'INGS' on the internet we need to know how the big corporations Microsoft and Google are feeding the internet with information and sites we all are using and needing
A lot of internet people and businesses need to have their data provided to their users by bing.com and google.com and need to know how your data is being served
What is I.N.G.S. on this site mean and stand for ?
I - stands for INTERNET
N - stands for NEEDS
G - stands for GREAT
S - stands for SEARCHING
Here to discuss the bingINGS of bing.com and how it walks with google.com and there is the googleINGS.com for more details
Lets get the bingings working for you. Maybe you are not the 84 percenter of google